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- Nintendo 3DS
- Huh Pokmon silver is outselling gold(In NA at least)
That's surprising.
I'm Mary Poppins y'all.
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/665/328/d75.gif |
Maverick_Reznor posted...
Lugia > Ho-Oh No.
You're not funny and nobody likes you.
My future wife -https://fat.gfycat.com/QuickThickJunco.gif |
I've always wondered what makes a certain version sell more than the other. Could it really be only the game mascot? The only reason I pick mine is because they're somehow a bit cheaper or I only have 1 choice (SoulSilver was 50 pesos less than HeartGold, and Black was the only one sold around here back then).
I doubt it's any of the version exclusives since Gen 4 due to these days getting them being really easy, unlike during the GBA days where you had to either get both versions or find someone near you who had the opposite. |
MawiocUdwoc posted...
I've always wondered what makes a certain version sell more than the other. Could it really be only the game mascot? The only reason I pick mine is because they're somehow a bit cheaper or I only have 1 choice (SoulSilver was 50 pesos less than HeartGold, and Black was the only one sold around here back then). It's still probably version exclusives/mascot; not everyone has access to trading though it's certainly easier nowadays than it was. If you want to use a certain version exclusive critter in your game, it's likely a deciding factor. I've seen people choose on just "I like X color better!" too LOL. Generally if you don't care at all, it's best to buy the least popular version, because trading will be slightly easier.
Friend Code: 5155-2976-5976
GenerationX-Men posted...
I only played Silver as a kid because Lugia reminded me of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Yugioh, and I'm a Yugioh fan. @GenerationX-Men You might enjoy this video. ![]() |
I played Silver back then when Gen 2 was new, and then SoulSilver. I got both because they were the most common/cheap ones when I got them, and I knew I could get the version exclusives easily (I like Spinarak better than Ledyba and Growlithe better than Vulpix, both appear in Gold/HeartGold), so in that aspect I didn't care which one I got.
I understand people just picking whichever color they like best, but I imagine it's not enough to make the balance tilt towards 1 side. I remember that during the GB/GBC days it was actually easy to find people with the other version, Pokemon being the latest thing (if you saw anyone with a Game Boy outside it was a sure thing they were playing Pokemon). |
How do you know what the sales figures are?
Best weapon combo in tf2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oUWPbS4450&feature=channel_video_title
http://www.last.fm/user/iammax |
I preloaded Gold, though I do plan on purchasing both versions. I jumped at Gold because it was the version I got back in 2000, and as it's my favorite video game and I love nostalgia, it was the natural choice to download first.
I do like Gold better, and always have. It's "first" place, while Silver is second, and thus, I've always seen it as second best. I do prefer Lugia, but as a kid, I liked that I could catch it at the Mewtwo-like level of 70, so the box thing didn't matter to me. I also really like bears, so Teddiursa sells the exclusives list to me (plus, I like Arcanine, another Gold-exclusive line). And I prefer Gold's more static sprite poses overall. That said, I didn't actually pick my version in 2000; it was a gift from a friend. So even though I have reasons for liking it better, those don't really have any bearing on my getting it now, because I'm letting the version I got 17 years ago dictate my main game this time around. I was surprised when I learned that Silver was more popular. Almost everyone I knew had Gold (and Red, which I got too despite preferring the color blue and having Blastoise as my favorite Pokémon). Maybe because most of my friends were first-borns, so they got the first version and their siblings got the second one? I may have also set the Gold trend in my friend group because I got it near release, while everyone else got it for Christmas.
3DS FC: 2466-2669-5197
IGN Teddy; TSV: 2442 (X); 0616 (Y); 3854 (OR); 1359 (AS) |
I think people generally pick the darker, cooler colors..
Red,Gold, Ruby, Diamond, White, Sun those don't sound appealing compared to Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Pearl, Black, Moon.. I know I didn't name all but the only ones I think pearl and diamond then x and y. On those I think people flip flopped.
"Nulla e reale, tutto e lecito" - GT NihonjinRikugun
3DS FC: 3067-8390-9586 |
Back in 2000 I bought both and got a system case for the GBC w/ Lugia on the front for buying at TRU(still have it) and ordered both again back on Wednesday though have to wait a while more for my theme and Celebi codes. Gold was my preferred version between the two for exclusives and the battery lasted longer than my Silver and Crystal games but I had fun w/ Silver as well.
XBL GT: JoeCool8524
3DS XL FC: 4081 5498 9446(TSV 255 for X); 4356 0748 5151(TSV 1354 for Y); 1349-5064-3916(TSV 2860) |
DarkFists posted...
CallmeSoren posted...I am baffled/appalled that people are buying these games for such overprice when they're freely available via other means. In general VC is largely overpriced. $5 for arcade and NES games seem like a bit too much
3DS FC:1375-8350-6103; Switch FC: 5454-0571-3814
Mii Name: Luigi; NNID: MARIOS_BRO123 |
CallmeSoren posted...
I am baffled/appalled that people are buying these games for such overprice when they're freely available via other means. Those other means don't include the ability to send the Pokemon to Gen 7. There are some nifty things you can get through the VC games, including easy hidden ability legends (and in the case of the legendary beasts, their first ever release with their hidden abilities).
[Este mensaje fue borrado al deseo del dueno]
LuigiFan835 posted...
DarkFists posted...CallmeSoren posted...I am baffled/appalled that people are buying these games for such overprice when they're freely available via other means. Agreed. $1.99 would've been more appropriate. Still frisky but acceptable. Some of the responses people come up with here are amazing. "20-30 dollars would have been overprice" uh, yeah. And by that logic guess what - 400 dollars would have been overprice too...
A good indie title is a non-existent indie title!
DarkFists posted...
CallmeSoren posted...I am baffled/appalled that people are buying these games for such overprice when they're freely available via other means. I am glad to get the 3DS version because the battery of my original Silver died. I was so disheartened when I learned that.
IGN Terry - Friend Code 3926-9256-5271
I admit when I was a kid, I went with Silver primarily because of Lugia, and this wasn't because of the second movie. Lugia just looked so cool.
Primarily why when these came out on VC, I got Gold. With the VC's, I got the games I never played. Same with Gen I. I had Blue as a kid, and got Red on VC now. One thing Ho-Oh does over Lugia though? Have a better battle theme in HG/SS.
3DS FC: 2878-9920-4061
QuantumWolf posted...
I admit when I was a kid, I went with Silver primarily because of Lugia, and this wasn't because of the second movie. Lugia just looked so cool. And a more interesting anime introduction, Ho-oh had that over Lugia at least.
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
I didn't buy either (rather pricey in Canada) but I'd have picked Silver too. Silver is better than gold, IMO, and Lugia looks cooler.
GenerationX-Men posted... I only played Silver as a kid because Lugia reminded me of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Yugioh, and I'm a Yugioh fan. I am a fan too (less than before though), but I've never liked/cared for the BWD much. I've always preferred the RBD. |
I wasn't too familiar with the version exclusives/legendaries etc back when Gold & Silver were first released but when my parents gifted me Gold later that year, I was just ecstatic to play the new entry in my favourite series in glorious colour.
I never got round to picking up Silver on the gbc & as my copy of Gold sadly no longer works out so I ended up purchasing both VC copies via Amazon. For portable copies of my favourite gen & a pretty sweet nostalgic gbc box for each, I couldn't say no to getting both. If I was only to get one though, definitely Silver for Lugia (& Vulpix).
Playing: (3ds) Ever Oasis, P/Y Woolly World & MHS
reaverz posted...
Iirc Silver outsold Gold on the Game Boy as well. Back then it was probably Movie 2 that made more people choose Silver because it had Lugia on the cover, so maybe old Silver owners are buying Silver again for 3DS now? Yeah, this. Soul Silver sold more than Heart Gold as well, back in 2010.
You have the castle, but not the king. You have Rome, but not its emperor. I am the conqueror of your kingdom, and you know it's true. - Mr.GGFan
I picked Gold solely for the access to easy HA Pokémon. I owned Silver back in the day, and if I remember correctly, both Ho-oh and Lugia can be found in both games.
I could be confused with Crystal though. As far as the other version exclusives go; Skarmory is meh, as it's HA sucks. Phanpy is meh, for the same reason plus Teddiursa's HA is pretty good. Vulpix I already have (I have VC Blue as well) Any other version exclusives I'm missing? Oddish/Bellsprout? (I have Bellsprout from Blue)
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- Nintendo 3DS
- Huh Pokmon silver is outselling gold(In NA at least)
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