- Boards
- Pokemon Sun
- Pokmon don't actually eat other Pokmon?
I recently read that a recent interview has retconned out all instances of Pokémon eating each other. Those were just http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EarlyInstallmentWeirdness The Pokédex is also supposed to be intentionally misleading, which I think defeats the purpose.
Links: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2012/11/23/pok-233-mon-39-s-burning-questions.aspx http://masterball.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/tumblr_nivhb9n7XL1th0xvfo3_1280.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20130122110720/http://www.gamefreak.co.jp/blog/staff/?p=206 http://www.style.fm/as/05_column/shudo141.shtml http://www.style.fm/as/05_column/shudo180.shtml
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
where does it say that pokemon don't eat other pokemon
"Murder of the living is tragic, but murder of the idea is unforgivable." - Janus, speaker of the synod
Bro foodchain. All this rabble is just to keep the game kid friendly. You know damn well people and pokemon all eat **** and kill one another. Ever seen somebody get run over and brutally killed in cannon pokemon media? Think it would never happen in a civilized world of that scale? Come on now.
Sun and Moon breeder. Feel free to request trades via PM. Character IGN: Izaac FC: 1392-5297-1344
HI_Phazon24 posted...
Bro foodchain. All this rabble is just to keep the game kid friendly. You know damn well people and pokemon all eat **** and kill one another. Ever seen somebody get run over and brutally killed in cannon pokemon media? Think it would never happen in a civilized world of that scale? Come on now. The creators confirmed that they don't eat each other since they respect each other as sapient beings, but that isn't good enough for me. They don't even hint at this in the games.
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
Ekans Red Dex Entry:
"Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as Pidgey and Spearow, whole." But this xD Grimer Stadium Dex Entry: "Sludge that was transformed when exposed to X-rays from the moon. Loves sludge, industrial waste and other refuse." http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/41/41ed8c3f86fcf2b8babeef2ead51f31e0288c2b1a8e4f7cee0d3d3db6f49b70c.jpg
You're the best friend that I ever had I've been wish you such a long time you're sunshime
FC: 4339-2507-6799 |
Preeetty sure a groudon's diet doesn't revolve around broccolis... Same for pokemons like tyrantrum and huntail, those jaws were made to eat lives, not leaves >_>
IGN: Szadek
FC: 3840 8627 3013 |
What is SM and Mareanie eating Corsola and Sableye eating Carbink
802/802 LivingDex|Playing: DeSu Remakes, FFT
Just because you learned to stop suffering from the pain doesn't mean you no longer feel it. -Cross Heart |
Their obviously trying to dodge the question dude.
You have to be outright stupid and naive as hell to think that their aren't predator and prey relationships in pokemon, especially since they make it pretty clear in the dex entries, ESPECIALLY in S/M which some S.O.S battles actually do trigger such like with Carbink and Sableye. The most obvious predator prey relationship is Heatmor and Durant. Shoot I'm sure even the anime purposely dodged trying to do a episode on these two pokemon together. Now if YOU alone want to think they don't eat each other, that's fine for you, but everyone else isn't gonna be so easily. Swayed like that when their practically in your face about it in the games.
FC: 3196-4054-9565
Ditto, loudred, lilipup |
Everyone is posting dex entries and TC explicitly said the Dex entries were made to be misleading intentionally don't we pay attention.
Overall though its all up to you. Creators say a lot things and deny a lot of things even when there are a lot of evidences to support it. Its up to us to believe yes or no. But no matter what the creators say i will always believe Ditto is a failed Mew clone.
Favourite JRPG's: The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Arc Rise Fantasia.
N3DS FC: 2208 9375 0944. Currently Playing: Monster Hunter Gen & Pokemon Sun.
(edited 1 week ago)quote
if the orginal japanews dex entries says they eat each other they do anything else is just excuses trying to cover it up tc
AC New leaf Dream adress: 6D00-0011-18C5
Andros-2K7 posted...
Everyone is posting dex entries and TC explicitly said the Dex entries were made to be misleading intentionally don't we pay attention. Did people not read the OP?
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
Metang chases Nosepass.
Metagross is stated to pin and eat it's prey.
In screwing another, you have screwed yourself.
Lexifox posted...
where does it say that pokemon don't eat other pokemon Swellow flys around looking for wurmple Toxapex hunt corsola Wailord gulps up schools of wishi washi Cacturne wait find people in deserts and simply wait until their prey are to exhausted to fight back Mandibuzz hunt cubone Now some of them may not explicitly stat that they eat the other Pokémon I don't see any other reason why they'd need to hunt
I am legend
Andros-2K7 posted...
Everyone is posting dex entries and TC explicitly said the Dex entries were made to be misleading intentionally don't we pay attention. And in much the same way as you still believe the Ditto theory, I (and several other people judging by this topic) have a hard time believing that they honestly would have put time and effort into making Pokedex entires for every Pokémon and having a character directly reference Mareanie's entry about eating Corsola if none of these are canon anyways.
Still waiting on that Seiken Densetsu Collection to be localized. I'm not convinced it'll happen, but I wouldn't mind being proven wrong.
MrFuzz111 posted...
Andros-2K7 posted...Everyone is posting dex entries and TC explicitly said the Dex entries were made to be misleading intentionally don't we pay attention. Apparently, in he Japanese text, though, the scene makes a general statement that Pokémon must be protected; then, as an example of why this is true, it mentions that Toxapex relentlessly tracks down Corsola to greedily eat its branches (which quickly regrow), which stresses out Corsola to no end. The word for "overhunting" is never even mentioned in the Japanese script. (This makes sense, because the game states elsewhere that Mareanie only eats Corsola's branches, not its body.) I got that info from someone else.
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
Science dictates pokemon eat one another on the grounds of an ecosystem required to sustain such diversity and range of life.
So until they say "Pokemon have magic plot device tummies and none of them actually need to eat to grow and live, because photosynthesis and oxygenarinism and bull ****." they eat eachother.
Sun and Moon breeder. Feel free to request trades via PM. Character IGN: Izaac FC: 1392-5297-1344
There are numerous references to the consumption of delicious Pokémon flesh even without the dex but it's scattered everywhere making it hard to confirm as canon. Is the manga canon? Because that can get pretty violent. Is the anime canon? They mention meat. Where do you get meat? Are the games canon? Well aside from dex, one example is the Sinnoh Folk Tales which speak of eating Pokémon down to their bones, a man cutting down Pokémon with a sword and people marrying Pokémon (Japan only. Is Japan only stuff canon?). Then again those are folk tales in the game. Are in game things canon?
TL;DR It's difficult to confirm but there's plenty of evidence. If you still choose to believe that it doesn't happen, fine. Oh and some dude straight up dies in an accident trying to protect his Machamp in Sun/Moon game kek.
I am just a really cute guy on the boards.
Were you expecting something else? |
This somehow reminds me of vegan pet owners who try to make their dogs and cats vegan as well.
That's not how you science. |
Seacliff217 posted...
This somehow reminds me of vegan pet owners who try to make their dogs and cats vegan as well. The pets should eat the owners.
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
Victreebel yellow dex entry, consistent through every single game, and it's a goddamn pitcher plant, a predatory plant, so... no, not intentionally misleading: Lures prey with the sweet aroma of honey. Swallowed whole, the prey is melted in a day, bones and all.
Nope. Being eaten doesn't happen at all in Pokemon, guys. Move along now. I'm also about 84% sure it said something along those lines in the anime.
I don't a fondness to Borat. I don't how it did outrageous; haven't they ever interneted? We have Goat's Sea and Celebrating Lemons. - Gandob
(edited 1 week ago)quote
MrFuzz111 posted...
Andros-2K7 posted...Everyone is posting dex entries and TC explicitly said the Dex entries were made to be misleading intentionally don't we pay attention. I wouldn't go as far as to say they put time and effort into making the dex entries. You can literally say anything about a Pokemon and the dex entries are even just about 2-3 sentences. Im sure many of these dex entries are really rumors. Did a kid really die from seeing a Mimikyus really body? No one knows. Most of the dex entries even have vague descriptions and not so certain lines such as "it is said" or "it is believed" etc.
Favourite JRPG's: The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Arc Rise Fantasia.
N3DS FC: 2208 9375 0944. Currently Playing: Monster Hunter Gen & Pokemon Sun. |
I take it none of you guys ever read the pokemon manga.
Grand Marshal/Gladiator Priest, Lightplol.
PvE gladiator holy paladin, Lightp. |
what is sableye attacking carbink and mareanie attacking corsola in sos battles
802/802 LivingDex|Playing: DeSu Remakes, FFT
Just because you learned to stop suffering from the pain doesn't mean you no longer feel it. -Cross Heart |
Andros-2K7 posted...
MrFuzz111 posted...Andros-2K7 posted...Everyone is posting dex entries and TC explicitly said the Dex entries were made to be misleading intentionally don't we pay attention. Anime spoilers: Meowth died from seeing it in the anime, so... Yes. Seeing Mimikyu's real form will kill you.
I don't a fondness to Borat. I don't how it did outrageous; haven't they ever interneted? We have Goat's Sea and Celebrating Lemons. - Gandob
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Even the anime hints that Pokemon eat each other, like when that Sandilit tried to eat that Vulpix egg early on in SM.
There's no way Pokemon don't eat each other much less humans. Especially when people have been noted to toss the remains of the bodies eaten back into the oceans from those old stories in the Canalave libary.
3DS Friend Code:0044 4173 2062
IGN: Is Abram/Abe.....Friend Safari: Steel - Klang/Magneton/Klefki Gen 6 TSV: 1607 GEN 7 TSV: 3556 |
kyurem eats people
"Only on gamefaqs will you get labelled as a "furry" for liking something almost indistinguishable from a human."
~Arne83 |
The real mystery is how a newborn Cubone already has his skull helmet when it's mother is still alive in the daycare and conceiving more.
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Why is this topic still going when this is the same generation that people broke literally started to break down into tears because the Pokedex is full of Nightmare Fuel like "this Pokemon eats another Pokemon".
"Murder of the living is tragic, but murder of the idea is unforgivable." - Janus, speaker of the synod
So the Pokedex is intentionally misleading and we're not told to what extent. Seems like a completely pointless device you carry with you on a pointless journey to catalogue and find out about Pokemon when the thing is filled with lies anyway.
Pretty sure Swellow is known to eat Wurmple.
My FC: 5301 2862 3777
My sympaties to the friends and familly of the January 29th 2017 Quebec City Mosque shooting victims. R.I.P. |
Lexifox posted...
Why is this topic still going when this is the same generation that people broke literally started to break down into tears because the Pokedex is full of Nightmare Fuel like "this Pokemon eats another Pokemon". If only being eaten was the worst a Pokémon could do to you lol Personally I'd rather be food then say one of froslass's decorations
I am legend
(edited 1 week ago)quote
razordrakegorz posted...
Preeetty sure a groudon's diet doesn't revolve around broccolis... Same for pokemons like tyrantrum and huntail, those jaws were made to eat lives, not leaves >_> Nope it revolves around broly's You were close though |
a lot of dex entry make no sense macargo spoink Msalamence machamp to name a few so don't take dex entry has concrete proof also height make no sense like charizard height and them not being able to decide if exeggcute are eggs or seeds
pokemon is life pokemon is love and god hair's green https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/profile/toquidef?type=posted 3DS FC:2793-1334-8898
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Pokémon flesh is delicious. I wouldn't deny my Meowth a morsel of Pikachu. Cat Pokémon are carnivorous and trying to make them eat Oddish will make them sick!
I am just a really cute guy on the boards.
Were you expecting something else? |
zoroark14 posted...
a lot of dex entry make no sense macargo spoink Msalamence machamp to name a few so don't take dex entry has concrete proof also height make no sense like charizard height and them not being able to decide if exeggcute are eggs or seeds pokedex is fake news sad! seriously though people blow the pokedex out of proportion 'omg charizard isn't seven feet tall like my fanfics
"Murder of the living is tragic, but murder of the idea is unforgivable." - Janus, speaker of the synod
Lexifox posted...
zoroark14 posted...a lot of dex entry make no sense macargo spoink Msalamence machamp to name a few so don't take dex entry has concrete proof also height make no sense like charizard height and them not being able to decide if exeggcute are eggs or seeds also compare to the anime if whe give charizard is height from the dex peoples from the pokemon world are very tiny
pokemon is life pokemon is love and god hair's green https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/profile/toquidef?type=posted 3DS FC:2793-1334-8898
The Pokedex says that Charizard, on average, is 5'7", the average height of a Japanese man.
also in the anime you mostly see Charizard standing next to a child. the height is fine
"Murder of the living is tragic, but murder of the idea is unforgivable." - Janus, speaker of the synod
The Best Pokemon -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfh0X6XyM50
Bulbasaur only solo-run entire main series complete: http://imgur.com/a/Y318j
(edited 6 days ago)quote
Didn't a Jhoto episode reveal that Ash's Charizard (and funny enough, strongest mon) turned out to be a runt/weakling.
Lexifox posted...
The Pokedex says that Charizard, on average, is 5'7", the average height of a Japanese man. Taking into context, Charzard 5'7" is just about tall enough for an 11 year old to ride it. There are plenty of height issues in Pokemon (Luxray and Dedenne keep changing sizes in XY) but it's somewhat accurate to the dex... often enough. |
WHATZITUYA posted...
The real mystery is how a newborn Cubone already has his skull helmet when it's mother is still alive in the daycare and conceiving more. I guess, this is a Gen 1 "problem". They could fix it if this Cubone (R/B) would be the only one with a skull on its head or some kind of split evolution. |
henno posted...
WHATZITUYA posted...The real mystery is how a newborn Cubone already has his skull helmet when it's mother is still alive in the daycare and conceiving more. That's the only logical solution I could see. Otherwise the species would just flat out go extinct. |
Funny i'm a tad bored so i decided to watch indigo league farfetch'd episode and the dex mentions how it's great for a meal
FC: 2509-3702-6687 IGN TRAE TSV: AS 0159 Y 2486
http://tinyurl.com/nrbuer5 |
It would be silly if the anime's Pokédex was intentionally misleading also, because Ash uses it to learn.
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
Floriantherose posted...
razordrakegorz posted...Preeetty sure a groudon's diet doesn't revolve around broccolis... Same for pokemons like tyrantrum and huntail, those jaws were made to eat lives, not leaves >_> https://goo.gl/images/zUwWAo
FC: 2509-3702-6687 IGN TRAE TSV: AS 0159 Y 2486
http://tinyurl.com/nrbuer5 |
nightwing3415 posted...
Floriantherose posted...razordrakegorz posted...Preeetty sure a groudon's diet doesn't revolve around broccolis... Same for pokemons like tyrantrum and huntail, those jaws were made to eat lives, not leaves >_> It's such a coincidence that Goku wears orange.
Fun fact: DC Comics is short for Detective Conan Comics
bidas100 posted...
nightwing3415 posted...Floriantherose posted...razordrakegorz posted...Preeetty sure a groudon's diet doesn't revolve around broccolis... Same for pokemons like tyrantrum and huntail, those jaws were made to eat lives, not leaves >_> But raditz didn't wear red nor broly wearing green....such wasted opportunities
FC: 2509-3702-6687 IGN TRAE TSV: AS 0159 Y 2486
http://tinyurl.com/nrbuer5 |
WHATZITUYA posted...
The real mystery is how a newborn Cubone already has his skull helmet when it's mother is still alive in the daycare and conceiving more. Kangaskhan hatches from an Egg with a baby already in its pouch https://discordapp.com/assets/53ef346458017da2062aca5c7955946b.svg
I can play Bike Sim 2013 real good, does this make me skilled at Pokemon?
Number of people who think it does (not): 0 (0) |
nightwing3415 posted...
Floriantherose posted...razordrakegorz posted...Preeetty sure a groudon's diet doesn't revolve around broccolis... Same for pokemons like tyrantrum and huntail, those jaws were made to eat lives, not leaves >_> well having jaws and claw isn't a proof itself it can just be for selfdefence and pokemon can also eat rock and other mineral
pokemon is life pokemon is love and god hair's green https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/profile/toquidef?type=posted 3DS FC:2793-1334-8898
ShadowZangoose posted...
Kangaskhan hatches from an Egg with a baby already in its pouch Still wondering why they won't give it a separate baby form.
(edited 4 days ago)quote
- Boards
- Pokemon Sun
- Pokmon don't actually eat other Pokmon?
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