What tricks/secrets on NES games have you heard that were untrue or not completely accurate?
-In Shadowgate, hit the shabby bridge twice and a wizard will appear to give you an ICE spell. Now you can freeze the lake that has the shark. -Somewhere in the ocean of Final Fantasy, there is Kyzoku battles every space. -In the Dam level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, before you drop into water, walk all the way to the right. You find a forest area where you can find a captured turtle if you have lost one. -Beat Super Mario Brothers eight times, and the Goombas will be Spinys instead of Beetles. -From a "How To Win at Nintendo Games" book: For the Double Dragon III main boss: What you have to do is play Billy and hit her with a side kick. That will cause her to lean forward making her a perfect target for a Nunchuck hit. Do this a total of five times and she'll call it a day. (Actually that only does 90 HP Damage total and she has 255 HP) (First off, for those who don't know, in Bubble Bobble, the level number is on top of the screen. But for final boss, it's his HP) -From a "Beginner's Guide to Win a Nintendo games" (Screenshot is two players fighting final boss and his HP is 57): On level 57, you fight this large monster. But keep calm and keep dodging and you should prevail. (Wording is not 100% but first sentence was.) Final Fantasy has many mistakes in the manuals and strategy guide: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/522595-final-fantasy/75378545 http://www.fforigins.com/goodies/ff1error.txt
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ChaseXtreme posted...
Final Fantasy has many mistakes in the manuals and strategy guide: They go well with the raft of coding errors. A surprising number of spells, weapon effects, etc. actually do nothing at all. |
One of the tips in the Zelda manual said that once you complete the triforce, the recorder would warp you to the location of the final dungeon.
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Super Mario Bros 2 - You can win a tiny car at the slot machine between levels, which you can drive around in in the next level.
Kid Icarus - If you release all those stones fighters at all palaces, they will come and help you at the last boss. Batman - Nintendo Power had screens of a 1up in the first stage. This existed in the beta version, but got removed in the complete game.
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From How to win at Nintendo Games #4, a chocolate factory is mentioned in SMB
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ChaseXtreme posted...
-Beat Super Mario Brothers eight times, and the Goombas will be Spinys instead of Beetles. i remember this but if i remember correctly from 30 years ago its more along the line of 18 or more times.could even be 28. i only seen it once but that was 30 years ago when i was 10
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata (1959-2015).
Mover_of_Zigs posted...
I know there was a legitimate reason for it, but the Zelda instruction book saying Pols Voice hates noise had me trying to use the recorder on him. The famicom version has a microphone, and you have to talk into it to kill them. This was change to arrows for the us version, they probably just translated the manual word for word. |
A strategy guide called How to Win at Nintendo Games claimed that there was a "secret diamond room" on Level 10 worth 400,000 points. Absurd.
These were the lies that set the stage for mega whoppers like General Leo in Final Fantasy 3/6.
PSN/YT: Zzonkmiles (Don't listen to Ondore's lies!)
NEW! Download Final Fantasy Zz Hard-Type (2.3) at http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1278/ |
My fake SMB3 P-Wing code that I tricked my friends with:
https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/525245-super-mario-bros-3/61501319 ChaseXtreme posted... -In the Dam level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, before you drop into water, walk all the way to the right. You find a forest area where you can find a captured turtle if you have lost one. It's funny. When my friend brought TMNT over one day, I swear he pushed against the dam to make the opening that you fall into the water with! |
I remember a guy who worked at a game shop had us convinced--CONVINCED, I tell you--that you could shatter the backboard in Double Dribble by pausing in the close-up screen and entering some ridiculous code.
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Maniac Mansion chainsaw. I spent a long time hunting rumors that someone found something productive to do with it. Granted, I found a lot of other legitimate secrets along the way!
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If you knock down Tyson at a certain time (I remember the rumor being 2:16, Rnd 2) he gets knocked out of the ring. Of course, not true but I actually was able to do it back in the day and disprove it.
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looked posted...
The famicom version has a microphone, and you have to talk into it to kill them. This was change to arrows for the us version, they probably just translated the manual word for word. I knew about the microphone, but were they impervious to arrows on the famicom? I didn't know that. And yeah, I doubt whoever translated the manual had any contact with the team that was readying the game itself for a western release ;) |
Mover_of_Zigs posted...
I knew about the microphone, but were they impervious to arrows on the famicom? I didn't know that. And yeah, I doubt whoever translated the manual had any contact with the team that was readying the game itself for a western release ;) There *is* still the weird Pol's voice thing where if you play the whistle while dropping a bomb, the screen turns black and white. I don't think there's anything useful about it, however.
Use your computer mouse to navigate the internets. Be sure to talk to everyone you meet. You're sure to gain lots of valuable information.
Zzonkmiles posted...
A strategy guide called How to Win at Nintendo Games claimed that there was a "secret diamond room" on Level 10 worth 400,000 points. Absurd. I just realized I didn't include the name of the game for the "secret diamond room." It was Bubble Bobble. Oops.
PSN/YT: Zzonkmiles (Don't listen to Ondore's lies!)
NEW! Download Final Fantasy Zz Hard-Type (2.3) at http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1278/ |
looked posted...
Mover_of_Zigs posted...I know there was a legitimate reason for it, but the Zelda instruction book saying Pols Voice hates noise had me trying to use the recorder on him. I think in one of the dungeons in Link's Awakening there's a clue telling you that they don't like noise. They're killed by bombs probably because you don't get the bow until late and it's ridiculously expensive.
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I remember Link's Awakening had a clue that said "First Pol's Voice, Last Stalfos," which is bad judgement on Nintendo's part. Nowhere in the instruction manual or in the game does it list those enemies' names, so unless you had the original Legend of Zelda, you'd likely have no idea what those words mean.
dark lancer posted... you don't get the bow until late and it's ridiculously expensive. And that's why I always steal it right after I buy the shovel. Guess what? I got it for free. And yes, I am proud of myself. You can call me THIEF all you want. I don't care. This island ain't gonna save itself, and I'm not about to let capitalism get in the way of me getting home ;) |
TMNT 2:. That there was a code that let you play as Casey Jones. It was not true. Apparently, EGM magazine had a April Fool's joke in their magazine that started the rumor. I never saw the magazine article but my friend did and told me about it. I nagged him every day for the code and he never gave it to me because he kept "forgetting to write it down for me". I spent years wondering if there really was a code to play as Casey Jones. Finally, when the internet came out I was able to search and finally found it to be fake.
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