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- Nintendo Switch
- I'm insanely worried that Pokmon Diamond and Pearl are gonna be remade on 3ds!
Favorite gen
I know that we've never gotten 2 remakes on one console. But I'm worried that since Pokémon is coming to an HD console, that Gamefreak is gonna throw a quick cash cow D/P remakes for 3ds in order to buy time for gen 8 on switch. Super worried since I don't want my favorite gen remade on an outdated 240p piece of crap 3ds handheld. Rather have gen 4 remade as a better edition after gen 8 on switch.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
If your main worries in life are just about a video game, consider yourself a very VERY lucky person.
Another visitor, Stay a while, Staaaaay FOREVER!
meestermj posted...
My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. 4th gen's best gen though. Platinum version is among my favorite games of all time. Diamond/Pearl, while certainly flawed in some annoying areas (While fire types are almost always lacking in game, you really felt it in Diamond/Pearl ), they were still quite good. Black/White were also quite good.
"You can't have a nightmare, if you never dream" - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
meestermj posted...
My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. Yeah, these remakes never do the original games enough justice. Even though everyone's praising HG/SS I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Crystal.
Everything will be fire.
I wish they they would just VC some of these 3DS games over to the switch.
Everything EA contributed to gamers around the world in one youtube clip
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBoesEFWZnM |
xF0x posted...
meestermj posted...My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. Wasn't HG/SS just literally better? You might be drowning in nostalgia there.
I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. ~Zero
rusty12000 posted...
I wish they they would just VC some of these 3DS games over to the switch. How do you propose they do that without a second screen?
Gather all the young ones and listen as we tell of the days of old, when the earth was whole, before the hammer fell. - "Hammer of Heaven", The Sword
VeiledGenesis posted...
rusty12000 posted...I wish they they would just VC some of these 3DS games over to the switch. Yep that would be an issue, but most games primarily use 1 screen anyway, and use the other as a map or touch controls ect. I realize that some games absolutely need both screens but a lot don't. especially the pokemon titles. Also emulators have done a good job at emulating both screens on one, but yeah it would be ideal.. unless you could easily prop the switch on it's side Namco museum style... but that might be a lot to ask for.
Everything EA contributed to gamers around the world in one youtube clip
(edited 1 day ago)quote
supremeblaster posted...
xF0x posted...meestermj posted...My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. It was worse than DPP in many important ways, and I couldn't get over the fact that there was no option to keep my lead Pokémon in the ball and not have it walk alongside.
Everything will be fire.
meestermj posted...
My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. So leave the two best gens in the past? This level of shit taste is unprecedented. But yeah, I want my DP remakes in HD, Sinnoh was a beautiful region.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
supremeblaster posted...
HG/SS were monumentally better in pretty much every way except maybe soundtrack (The remixes were all mostly pretty good, but I do prefer some of the original versions like the G/S version of the Gym theme vs the remake's gym theme ) and I wanna say that level scaling still sucked nearly as bad as it did in G/S/C. Otherwise, Kanto was slightly more fleshed out, there was more to do, HG/SS may still have the best use of the second screen in terms of menuing (which trumps menuing in G/S/C regardless ), updates to the core mechanics like the all important physical/special split, the story was slightly more fleshed out (Mainly in Silver's character development, especially when events came into play )... HG/SS is still the best set of remakes within the pokemon series and are so far beyond better than the original games.
"You can't have a nightmare, if you never dream" - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
HG/SS has so much content, it is still the best pokemon game ever
We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
VeiledGenesis posted...
rusty12000 posted...I wish they they would just VC some of these 3DS games over to the switch. Just put the two screens on the same screen. The Wii U did it, so can the Switch. It's not hard.
Corrin was a mistake.
Not changing sig until Ash wins a Pokemon league, becomes a Pokemon Master and/or ends his journey. Started 12/14/2016 |
xF0x posted...
meestermj posted...My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. It's called nostalgia. Crystal has very little over HGSS. HGSS added the safari zone making Pokémon like houndour catchable before the postgame HGSS Added the pokealthalon HGSS Brought the improved much easier to use PC on the post gen 2 games, HGSS Fleshed Kanto out a bit more HGSS Had following Pokémon HGSS Had better learnsets for Pokémon HGSS Fleshed out the rockets a bit. The executives have names and more defined personalities HGSS expands the battle tower to the battle frontier(copy pasted from Platinum but still....) Various other QoL fixes Online and wireless multiplayer Improved graphics(I actually personally prefer the gen 2 battle sprites but it's hard to deny that the overworld looks better) Etc. Crystal just has the elemental punches as TMs, the mystery egg and a few other minor things over HGSS.
I'm Mary Poppins y'all.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
_Dog posted...
VeiledGenesis posted...rusty12000 posted...I wish they they would just VC some of these 3DS games over to the switch. The Wii U also had a reliable means to interact with the touch screen if necessary on the second screen. The Switch does not
What I can't get over is how she ripped one testicle off..~Frogstir
I can't read your topics without expecting Bel Air now.~KensaiBlade |
PaulFoster posted...
If your main worries in life are just about a video game, consider yourself a very VERY lucky person.
I wonder if several users here like to type with big meaty claws. If not, they don't defend dumb choices like Pokemon Transporter or Nintendo charging for OLMP.
kislev posted...
HG/SS has so much content, it is still the best pokemon game ever I second this. Such a fantastic Pokemon game. And, if I may let my nostalgia for gen 2 cloud me, I'd totally be okay with ANOTHER gen 2 remake
"No internet required!"
pikachupwnage posted...
xF0x posted...meestermj posted...My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. No. Crystal had less content that was all around better and implemented more efficiently than HG/SS with its plentiful but halfbaked features. I hold no nostalgia for Crystal, I played it for the first time in 2008 after having played Diamond and Emerald (the latter of which I openly criticize). The amount of content isn't everything, its quality matters as well.
Everything will be fire.
Pokemon releases are updates to the compeitive scene if Pokemon does in fact move to the Switch in the next title then there won't be anymore 3ds titles. The remake would be a Switch remake or the typically two versions will be split between the Switch and 3ds.
My biggest worry is that when Pokemon games get a more powerful unit they tend to stretch farther and farther into digimon territory with their designs.
Ignorance is Bliss...
I doubt it. Gen 8 is pretty much confirmed to be on the Switch so I think we're more likely to see Diamond & Pearl remakes after the main pair of gen 8 games & they'll be on the Switch as well.
If Gamefreak is going to remake them, then hopefully it is for the much better. Aside from Cynthia, Spear Pillar, and Infernape, I didn't really like the Sinnoh games at all. I'd even go the extra mile and say that the Sinnoh games are my least favorite games in the mainline games (Yes, I played Sun/Moon. I enjoyed them very much).
Still waiting for a good Mario Tennis and Paper Mario RPG, Camelot and Intelligent Systems
On one hand, if trends are followed the games will come out during 8th gen in 2020. On the other hand, the 4th gen games were missing from the direct, which suggests remakes are close than that.
xF0x posted... No. Crystal had less content that was all around better and implemented more efficiently than HG/SS with its plentiful but halfbaked features. I hold no nostalgia for Crystal, I played it for the first time in 2008 after having played Diamond and Emerald (the latter of which I openly criticize). The amount of content isn't everything, its quality matters as well. You can argue that Diamond has advantages of HG/SS, but Cystal does not. The remakes are better than it in every single way. You having a weird issue with following pokemon doesn't make that a negative feature, and even if it was, it wouldn't be enough to counteract the plethora of improvements.
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115 |
xF0x posted...
meestermj posted...My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. Nostalgia is blinding you because hgss are objectively leaps and bounds better than crystal
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here
(edited 21 hours ago)quote
DarkChozoGhost posted...
You can argue that Diamond has advantages of HG/SS, but Cystal does not. The remakes are better than it in every single way. You having a weird issue with following pokemon doesn't make that a negative feature, and even if it was, it wouldn't be enough to counteract the plethora of improvements. It absolutely does. The alterations done to the story are mostly for the worse. The Game Corner is in GSC but not in HG/SS due to censorship. Shiny breeding is easy and fun in GSC but it's virtually unfeasible in HG/SS. Crystal has almost all Pokémon up to Gen 2 catchable in it without trading, HGSS has many Pokémon missing of its total pokédex. HG/SS replaced Kris with an inferior female trainer for no good reason. There are more things Crystal excels at, individually they aren't very significant but together they add up and make HG/SS into an underwhelming experience. And it's not a weird issue, I know many who wanted to have this choice. It's not something that was terribly difficult to implement, they just chose not to. Just because you like not having options doesn't mean there isn't a problem. GallantChaddymn posted... xF0x posted...meestermj posted...My main worry is that Diamond/Pearl might be remade. Like I said, I played Crystal relatively recently and nostalgia has nothing to do with it. HG/SS may be generally better than GS but Crystal had much more going for it.
Everything will be fire.
(edited 21 hours ago)quote
3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project.
NNID: HTakara82 - Add me if you're looking for a good time, lol
NS FC: SW-6233-5661-0820 |
well unless they start working on those games past holiday 2019, you are out of luck, like i and others have said before a ton of games on development from first and third party to be release from now to holidays 2019, then the games will still come for 3Ds just not as much.
HayashiTakara posted...
3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. mean besides Sun2/Moon2 at the end of this year right? |
Explain why would Gamefreak remake Diamond/Pearl on 3DS when it's Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon that could be the last games on that system. It doesn't work like that.
Dunno, I think they'll be released after the 8th gen games on Switch (assuming what Switch is getting is 8th gen, but I can't think of anything else because a third Gen 7 installment would be strange).
You dont say, Captain Obvious?
Platinum is better, but still best gen
Sonic 3 and Knuckles is still and always will be the best game of all time.
The Cat is always right. You have yet to understand the feline language. |
kabutokouji posted...
HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. Has it been confirmed that they're sequels?
"Cool" - mariobro8
MARSDUDE posted...
kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. Don't think so, last I've heard they were a sort of alternate dimension Alola or something of the sort, I think? |
kabutokouji posted...
HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. yes and no ,cause it's not sun and moon 2, it's just a rerelease of sun and moon with minor tweeks to make extra money.
NNID: HTakara82 - Add me if you're looking for a good time, lol
NS FC: SW-6233-5661-0820 |
HayashiTakara posted...
kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. oh you played it already my mistake since is not even out in Japan. |
kabutokouji posted...
HayashiTakara posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. and you think it's not? bet you that game is going to get bashed to hell and back for being a cash grab.
NNID: HTakara82 - Add me if you're looking for a good time, lol
NS FC: SW-6233-5661-0820 |
Comyx posted...
MARSDUDE posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. Full metal alchemis Brotherhood is not the same as FMA, and Dragon ball Kai is not DBZ, evem if its a different point of view of the exact same story, it makes it a completely different game, and lets not even start with all the new additions they said it has in the roster. it would be saying Super Mario world is super Mario 3 with just a few additions. |
HayashiTakara posted...
kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. well here in Japan we all want to buy it i dont care about what you in particular want. |
kabutokouji posted...
HayashiTakara posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. of course people are going to buy, that doesn't change what it is, a lazy cash grab. And don't talk like you speak for an entire nation, makes you sound like a douche
NNID: HTakara82 - Add me if you're looking for a good time, lol
NS FC: SW-6233-5661-0820 |
HayashiTakara posted...
kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. well thers a reason we by the normal Monster hunter and then the completely different G versions and you guys refuse to buy a second game. you guys always think just because the games are slight similar makes it the same game. |
xF0x posted...
The alterations done to the story are mostly for the worse. Disagree. Having a double battle with Silver against Lance and Clair is the most notable one, and an improvement. xF0x posted... The Game Corner is in GSC but not in HG/SS due to censorship Voltorb Flip is more fun than the old game corner. The only problem is that you can't buy coins. xF0x posted... Crystal has almost all Pokémon up to Gen 2 catchable in it without trading, HGSS has many Pokémon missing of its total pokédex. HG/SS has a significantly larger pokedex. It has more gen 1 pokemon, the same amount of gen 2 pokemon (sans version exclusives), and plenty of gen 3 and 4 pokemon as well. And the gen 2 pokemon are more easily accessable, and get their later evolutions. What you said is straight up false. xF0x posted... HG/SS replaced Kris with an inferior female trainer for no good reason. I agree that Lyra is the worst designed character in the franchise. So if you really really love Kris I get it. xF0x posted...
And option would have been nice. But Pokemon always following >>> pokemon never following.
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115 |
kabutokouji posted...
Comyx posted...MARSDUDE posted...kabutokouji posted...HayashiTakara posted...3DS aint getting anymore pokemon games, all their resources are in the switch project. ...ok? He asked a question, and I was answering it. It's not a sequel, because a sequel would be something like Black 2/White 2, set some time after the first installments. And afaik, this is not the case with US/UM. |
Comyx posted...
...ok? He asked a question, and I was answering it. It's not a sequel, because a sequel would be something like Black 2/White 2, set some time after the first installments. so.... you played and beat the new ones that are not out yet? gotcha. |
Ultra Sun and Moon are far, far closer to a "Platinum" than they are to a "Black and White 2."
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115 |
DarkChozoGhost posted...
Ultra Sun and Moon are far, far closer to a "Platinum" than they are to a "Black and White 2." so you played them? even tho they havent even released anywhere in the planet. |
kabutokouji posted...
Comyx posted......ok? He asked a question, and I was answering it. It's not a sequel, because a sequel would be something like Black 2/White 2, set some time after the first installments. It's possible to find out info for a game without playing it. They are probably thinking about the following quote when saying as far as they know it isn't just a direct sequel. Series director Junichi Masuda describes it as an "alternate story", so there will probably be some familiar and some unfamiliar elements to this game. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/06/feature_pokemon_ultra_sun_and_ultra_moon_-_what_we_know_so_far
Not changing sig until Flyers win the cup
xF0x posted...
How? The story is more fleshed out in general, combines both the standard G/S plot with the Crystal plot, adds more characterization to Silver... How in the world do you figure that an expanded on story is worse than what we got in Crystal? Crystal has almost all Pokémon up to Gen 2 catchable in it without trading, HGSS has many Pokémon missing of its total pokédex. As already mentioned, I believe HG/SS has a much larger pokedex than Crystal, not to mention that I believe certain 'mons are more accessible in the remakes vs Crystal. HG/SS replaced Kris with an inferior female trainer for no good reason. This is subjective (I think Lyra has a fairly cute design ), not to mention that the playable character that you don't choose has a small role in the game which is more than what Crystal can say for it's playable characers. There are more things Crystal excels at, Even when taking into consideration some of the stuff that I can't counter like the gamecorner and shiny hunting, there are far more areas that HG/SS excels at than Crystal. The expanded on story is better. The core mechanics of the game is better. The optional stuff that you can do like the pokathelon is better. The battles against boss characters like Lance is better. HG/SS are the only remakes that I really liked in the series so far, and there's a good reason for this.
"You can't have a nightmare, if you never dream" - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I'm down with a DPP remake if only to distribute Defog around in competitive.
"I hate this site but I also can't look away from it. It's like a trainwreck that just keeps perpetually happening every day."
- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I'm insanely worried that Pokmon Diamond and Pearl are gonna be remade on 3ds!
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