- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- to me without voice chat(or parry chat)gaming online feels empty....
like you aren't even playing actual humans but advanced CPU Opponents...i know not everyone likes voice chat but i feel that without some form of communication online gaming is just no different than playing the A.I
with a group of friends gathered together in a game with voice chat it simulates the days when people could regularly invite friends over to play video games at their house however those days are long gone and you can't just invite people over to play video games as often as when you were younger because people have very busy lives now but with online gaming they don't have to take a trip to where you live just hop online and play a couple rounds....that's why i think voice chat is a must because it simulates the old school game night experience people used to have before life caught up to them and they could no longer do game nighrs stuff like wonky mobile phone apps or even no voice chat makes it hard to keep the tradition of game nights going
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
gaming online is very empty and feels like you are playing npcs when playing online on the switch.
no chat with randoms no voice chat no party chat no lobby chat no text chat no sending pics not much info on you friends list. when I was playing destiny Id always chat with randoms and such on the nightfalls or dailys and stuff and many times we would add each other and be friends and do other content together. The best thing ever is when I did raids with some cool people and we would chat and talk about the rare gear we got and stuff. It was like back in the day when me and my friends would have slumber parties or birthday parties and just chill talking about real life stuff and playing games and passing the controller. The only way I can describe it to nintendo fans who dont care about online is..... playing online with all these online features and chat is like the avengers party at the start of avengers age of ultron where the heroes are just chillling trying to lift thors hammer eating, drinking, and talking. then when you actually get into a game and start playing its like avengers teaming up and communicating like a team to beat the enemies. The switch online is like Wall E when he is on the planet by himself. The best that switch online gets is wall-E first meets eve and eve is just there doing her own thing. ![]()
FC: 3609-2443-9791
(edited 1 day ago)quote
gaming online is rarely good
it's just a bunch of random chaotic experiences I prefer the articulate design of a great single player experience
Retail Wii U and 3DS games: https://sta.sh/02egamz324w0
Retail PS4 and VITA games: https://sta.sh/09xbomh9bc4 |
kirbyhoakage posted...
no text chat yeah the omission of these makes the switch feel like a surprisingly lonely experience, i thought miiverse was enjoyable because it was a social hub and was nice to see what other people were up to, ditto with sending screenshots to friends, while i haven't played an xbox one the ps4 also has similar features (screenshot sharing, communities, a "whats new" tab with info on friends activities and even the ability to watch friends play)
Pear into Peaches!
I play on PC and i almost always don't have people talk. Everyone just sticks to their own friends on Discord. This is no different IMo
PSN: JVir NNID: Jayvir
I'm a living contradiction. I own a PS4, a Switch, a 3DS, a Vita and a gaming PC. And the catch to that? I enjoy them all! |
I don't need any of that. I just need games I want to play with others. Text and chat just mess up my concentration and make me sloppy.
Tenchi UK posted...
kirbyhoakage posted...no text chat yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone which isn't a good thing because it means you can't really keep track of busy friends on the switch all that well it just gives off this vibe of "we don't give a crap about who we're playing with...just give us someone to play with" and "Silence...I Just Hate Noise"
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
kirbyhoakage posted...
gaming online is very empty and feels like you are playing npcs when playing online on the switch. That sounds eerily like Wii and DS online. |
NightMareBunny posted...
yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone i really enjoyed it on the other systems since i live a great distance away from family/friends so things like miiverse and the sharing features on PS4 make gaming while living alone that little bit less lonely.
Pear into Peaches!
Yup, not going to pay for the online subscription. I got a PS4 and soon PC for online gaming.
PSN: captsplatter
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Tenchi UK posted...
NightMareBunny posted...yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone i live in a fairly rural town so without onlline gaming I'd probably go insane....comic books and online gaming keep me sane in a town where most people seem to be retired old folks waiting to die or randomly going fishing does that sound like a good time to anyone who doesn't care for online gaming? without that crap and just single player games I'd probably feel like a man on an island by himself
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare
(edited 1 day ago)quote
NightMareBunny posted...
Tenchi UK posted...NightMareBunny posted...yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone Thought about moving?
PSN: captsplatter
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685 |
DuranmanX4 posted...
gaming online is rarely good I used to just go solo online and didnt talk much but after getting more online games that required team work I started to talk more. gaming is at its best when you got cool teamates to talk with especially when they are also real life friends. trials of osiris, iron banner, destiny nightfalls and raids really brought chatting with other players to the forefront because you really needed to in order to complete objectives and win. Once you beat a raid or are pretty decent in the game people add you to their friends list and invite you to do other things with them weather its in the game you initially played with them or a new game. I mean when you need more players for something you are going to pick dudes off your friends list who were cool and chill and talked and were decent at the game. trophies and achievements also are a thing that makes people chat more as some of them require teamwork so people will come out of their shell to get that platinum and chat and such.
FC: 3609-2443-9791
captsplatter_1 posted...
Yup, not going to pay for the online subscription. I got a PS4 and soon PC for online gaming. the only way they will get me to pay is if pokemon is cheater free and is epicly awesome.
FC: 3609-2443-9791
kirbyhoakage posted...
captsplatter_1 posted...Yup, not going to pay for the online subscription. I got a PS4 and soon PC for online gaming. Been hearing the majority of people who are not paying would would only pay for pokemon it seems.
PSN: captsplatter
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685
(edited 1 day ago)quote
captsplatter_1 posted...
NightMareBunny posted...Tenchi UK posted...NightMareBunny posted...yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone eh not really an option right now....i used to live in a more populated town but a tragedy happened and me&my parents had to look after this place because nobody else would doesn't help that the closet neighbors to us use their home here as a temporary get away and so they are often absent for several weeks maybe even a month before we see them again and that's the only people we see the most down here
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
kirbyhoakage posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...gaming online is rarely good yeah reminds me of overwatch that game can be super toxic and annoying with randoms but once you get a good group together it's amazing
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
NightMareBunny posted...
captsplatter_1 posted...NightMareBunny posted...Tenchi UK posted...NightMareBunny posted...yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone Sounds like your place would make for a great Halloween party.
PSN: captsplatter
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685 |
Don't care for communication with other people when online, unless I'm playing a MMO, so I can't say it's much of an issue for me.
In a shooters, other players are just like better AI bots, as far as I'm concerned. I only ever use voice chat if I play with some of my IRL friends, but that rarely happens. |
captsplatter_1 posted...
NightMareBunny posted...captsplatter_1 posted...NightMareBunny posted...Tenchi UK posted...NightMareBunny posted...yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone yeah i imagine houses where the home owner committed suicide and there was a horrifying boat crash on the lake would probably make for some scary stories that first one is why I'm here
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
NightMareBunny posted...
captsplatter_1 posted...NightMareBunny posted...captsplatter_1 posted...NightMareBunny posted...Tenchi UK posted...NightMareBunny posted...yeah it feels like you are just alone in an empty room with no way to communicate or send messages to anyone Do you get any ghosts?
PSN: captsplatter
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685 |
DTY3 posted...
kirbyhoakage posted...gaming online is very empty and feels like you are playing npcs when playing online on the switch. sounds like NES online
Retail Wii U and 3DS games: https://sta.sh/02egamz324w0
Retail PS4 and VITA games: https://sta.sh/09xbomh9bc4 |
Thats kinda the same feeling on pretty much all consoles at this point as most either dont use mics ir have party chat enabled
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
I pretty much never chat on the other systems as people would either be in parties with their friends or they were just annoying, so I would mute them. Feels no different playing online with the Switch.
GT - phineasfool
Switch FC - 4553-0472-6618 |
Baha05 posted...
Thats kinda the same feeling on pretty much all consoles at this point as most either dont use mics ir have party chat enabled with the other systems though its nice to be able to share screenshots or text chat, or be up to date on friends activities, wii had this to a degree with miiverse and sending screenshots via messaging but switch feels very lonely at this point. not sure if theres an option to join friends games from the menu either. the OS as a whole feels a lot better than wii, wiiu and 3ds since it feels a whole lot snappier, compare loading the eshop on switch vs loading it on 3ds, but the lack of social features is dissapointing.
Pear into Peaches!
Its a godsend to me. I mute all players now before the game even starts. Im tired of hearing breathing, music, side convos, cursing and all for the chance to hear that 1 guy who wants to talj strategy that is not in a group chat.
Nintendo games just have this soulless quality to them online for some reason.
Of all the games I've played of Mario Kart 8 online, I still have a hard time believing half of the "people" in the game were even people. If they were, they offered no more competition than the computer on single player.
Literally if it wasn't Nintendo I would return the god damn thing and never f***ing buy another Nintendo product again.- hilliet
It helps a lot to be able to talk with your team mates. You need that communication and it makes the game so much more fun.
PSN/NNID: Jackal-5, XBox: Jackal 55, Ouya: Zeek_Bronz
I have never used it even when it was available for other games. Don't miss it here either.
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."
Jackal posted...
It helps a lot to be able to talk with your team mates. You need that communication and it makes the game so much more fun. plus with friends before a game begins you tend to chit chat a bit to kill sometime it's nice to have that game night vibe
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
Baha05 posted...
Thats kinda the same feeling on pretty much all consoles at this point as most either dont use mics ir have party chat enabled How do you know "most" people don't use mics? And party chat is communicating |
I sometimes feel that way. Then i get my ass kicked so i remember they're humans to make me feel better about sucking at the game.
PS4 - Because it was the next gen console i was the most interested in.
Warrior - Because i usually pick the Warrior class in MMORPGs when i played them. |
Username2016 posted...
Baha05 posted...Thats kinda the same feeling on pretty much all consoles at this point as most either dont use mics ir have party chat enabled It's a common thing that is noticed in many muliplayer matches on call of Duty titles, or other online MP titles. And Party Chat in a nutshell is it's own separate thing which even when that is being used you aren't hearing it in the actual game itself (without being in said party anyhow)
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Baha05 posted...
Username2016 posted...Baha05 posted...Thats kinda the same feeling on pretty much all consoles at this point as most either dont use mics ir have party chat enabled Many people use voice chat in CoD and other MP games. You have no evidence to prove "most" people don't use voice chat in MP games. Many people also use a mic in CS:GO as well |
to me without voice chat team based games are more chaotic and hectic due to a lack of communication you just have people randomly going in different directions
that's how you get curbstomped
PSN: VV_Argost
XB1:GamerClawdeen WiiU: GothicNightmare |
99% of the time when I play an online game, no one is talking, even if they DO have headsets.
Plus most people never seem to want to "work as a team" anyways, playing things like TDM in CoD and the like they just do their own thing, same thing with any FPS mode where the main objective isn't necessarily trying to get the most kills, they never actively go for whatever the objective in the mode might be and then they wonder why the team loses all the time. If you're playing with IRL friends, or a group that you play with on a regular basis, then that's different.
Red Sox World Series Champions 2004 & 2007= My ID. PSN ID- rswsc0407
I'm there to play, not babysit youths. No voice is perfect for me on the Switch =)
Ryzen 1600X | GTX 1080 | 16GB DDR4 | 28" Acer 4K
Playing : Splatoon 2 / Diablo 3 / WoW |
rswsc0407 posted...
99% of the time when I play an online game, no one is talking, even if they DO have headsets. I'll admit I don't play CoD or the Battlefield games much but I mean it isn't far fetched to say that a majority of people use voice chat (as opposed to those who don't). Just take a look at all the "loool mad3 11 yr old cry xDDDDDDDD!" trolling videos on YT. And no, I don't play in a daily group or play with IRL friends. The only shooter I play is CS:GO and from my experience a lot of people use mics. In casual you'll get the typical three 10-13 year olds, then sometimes you'll hear someone playing music using SLAM. And competitive is just full of tards and asshats
(edited 16 hours ago)quote
I don't care for voice chat, I rarely do online games anyway, and the few I do, I'd rather have set text replies/orders instead of voice.
I think that's why I like playing randoms, feels like you're playing the CPU
But I agree, voice chat with friends is much better.
Visit This Old Neon - A friendly civilized gaming forum.
- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- to me without voice chat(or parry chat)gaming online feels empty....
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