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Monday, August 14, 2017

Only 2 pre orders per store for Metroid Samus Returns special edition.

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  2. Nintendo 3DS
  3. Only 2 pre orders per store for Metroid Samus Returns special edition.
Spire88 3 days ago#1
Yesterday I noticed that Samus Returns SE was up for preorder on and I couldnt get to a store that day so I would go today.
Today I checked the listing and it says "out of stock, that was worrisome but I thought the store would have them, so I ask the guy if I can preorder and he said he cant because we 
SOLD BOTH COPYS and im like WHAT he says yea each store only gets 2 to preorder.......... 
2 copys for a massively popular game? What the hell...what if they pull this crap with a Call of Duty, Pokemon, Mario or Zelda game. I mean who the hell at eb games canada thought thiscwas a good idea? had the SE up for preorder just after E3 AND THEY STILL HAVE PREORDERS................ 

At least I have my (expensive) gamestop preorder.
JediNaruto 3 days ago#2
As much as I love metroid...not sure it passes as a massively popular series.
Quite possibly the only Yamcha fan on the internet
Ridley Ridley Ridley
TendaShy 3 days ago#3
Do like me and blame scalpers, lol. Just kidding, but they will try to scoop them up if they're hard to get, of course.
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
Adam_Ace 3 days ago#4
JediNaruto posted...
As much as I love metroid...not sure it passes as a massively popular series.

It's a really weird one the Metroid series. 

Despite the SNES styled games Fusion, Zero Mission and Super Metroid being the most beloved, it's actually the Prime Games that are far more popular when it comes to sales. That said when compared to Mario, Zelda and Pokemon it doesn't even come close to them in sales and yet the fan base for the series is by far the most vocal (and insufferable). 

Like I'm amazed Metroid fans would be surprised by this? Like really these turds hated on Metroid Prime Hunters for absolutely no fair reason whatsoever and boycotted it's sequel not because they gave a s*** whether the game was any good or added to the established canon but because Samus wasn't the protagonist. Basically it was the case of little child kicking the backseat but because old man Nintendo is to nice to beat the ever loving s*** out of that child, they said "Fine, here's your f***ing game now shut up". 

I do know there are legitimately loyal fans out there who want to see more, who want to see the lore established built on and expanded and that's really great. But the rest, why should Nintendo make full investment in a fanbase so petty they wouldn't even give a spin-off a chance?
PSN ID: Adamight 3DS Friend Code:0061-4706-8830
DASHWOOD 2 days ago#5
Adam_Ace posted...
JediNaruto posted...
As much as I love metroid...not sure it passes as a massively popular series.

It's a really weird one the Metroid series. 

Despite the SNES styled games Fusion, Zero Mission and Super Metroid being the most beloved, it's actually the Prime Games that are far more popular when it comes to sales. That said when compared to Mario, Zelda and Pokemon it doesn't even come close to them in sales and yet the fan base for the series is by far the most vocal (and insufferable). 

Like I'm amazed Metroid fans would be surprised by this? Like really these turds hated on Metroid Prime Hunters for absolutely no fair reason whatsoever and boycotted it's sequel not because they gave a s*** whether the game was any good or added to the established canon but because Samus wasn't the protagonist. Basically it was the case of little child kicking the backseat but because old man Nintendo is to nice to beat the ever loving s*** out of that child, they said "Fine, here's your f***ing game now shut up". 

I do know there are legitimately loyal fans out there who want to see more, who want to see the lore established built on and expanded and that's really great. But the rest, why should Nintendo make full investment in a fanbase so petty they wouldn't even give a spin-off a chance?

I wonder that too @Adam_Ace
Take every chance you want to make and fulfill it till the end ~DASHWOOD
15/09/2017 Metroid SR Legacy edition confirmed for me! MSR Amiibo's pre-ordered.
ScytheXero 2 days ago#6
They're doing that with other games now. Destiny 2 had a count on how many special editions you could order then scalpers took to ebay with pre-orders and got a 100% profit from it. My son worked his @$$ off doing chores and saving up for it only to be told he couldn't get it. I had to get one from a scalper on ebay for him. Now that I think about it, hasn't some games done this before? Like some Call of Duty games and maybe a Metal Gear game?
Oh, Jesus, this place makes my head hurt.
MrPerson01 1 day ago#7
Spire88 posted...
massively popular game?

- Metroid
- massively popular game

Pick one.
FF_Fiend 1 hour ago#8
I reserved the Special edition in store yesterday. Even the store clerk was like "I have no idea how this isn't sold out, honestly. We have so little of them to give out." 

Now if I could just get my hands on a pre-order for those damned amiibo.
Playing: lots of things.
PSN ID: Call_Me_Queequeg
  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo 3DS 
  3. Only 2 pre orders per store for Metroid Samus Returns special edition.

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