- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wish Botw had a great soundtrack like the other zelda games....
...I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing.
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
It does get repetitive, but I think that's to be expected of a game you can easily sink 100+ hours into.
For what it was, I really enjoyed it. The Tarrey Town and Hateno Village themes in particular were very nice imo.
Name: Cam; 3DS: 1091-8692-6837;
Switch: 3846-6208-5886 |
I agree. Outside of The Vah Ruta Theme , the music for Tarrey Town and the music in Hyrule Castle , most of the music is minimalist , repetitive and forgettable. Where are the tracks on the same level as Saria's Song , or Song Of Storms? They dropped the ball.
Now Playing : Breath of The Wild , Persona 5 , Overwatch , Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Song of Storms...
Great, that's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the evening. :)
Name: Cam; 3DS: 1091-8692-6837;
Switch: 3846-6208-5886 |
DarthSloth5555 posted...
Song of Storms...
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
Field 1 is pretty fucking memorable, so are both Horse themes, town themes, and Hyrule Castle is the best dungeon theme in the series.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
LimboStudios posted...
Field 1 is pretty fucking memorable, so are both Horse themes, town themes, and Hyrule Castle is the best dungeon theme in the series. The truth right here.
"With the right amount of power, anything can be yours!" : Inspirational words from Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf | Orange Shy Guy of the MK8 Deluxe board
Yeah I really enjoyed the horse riding theme, hateno village, and tarry town, among others. But I also get that it's a different style from traditional Zelda music. I also think the main theme for the game is fantastic.
Visit This Old Neon - A friendly civilized gaming forum.
It was minimalist, but I loved the way it complemented the game's overall sound design while you were out and about in nature. It worked beautifully for BotW, even if it wouldn't be appropriate for most Zelda games.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4), Splatoon 2 (Switch), and Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Android)
I wish it had a deeper story that was a mix of the past AND THE PRESENT. WISH it had world music. I don't buy that excuse that they couldn't because it was open world. Xenoblade x did it and it worked and that said team helped them make this game. The champions deserved more screen time too urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju, miphas past with link and ravalis rivilary with link.
As someone who went to The Legend of Zelda symphony live a few years ago... Zelda does not actually have that many good soundtracks. It never really dawned on me until I had paid to see it live.
Hardcore XSEED fan.
epik_fail1 posted...
...I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing. Uh.... what. You do know that the music changes based on what type of region you're in (A) and that past Zelda games played the exact same song on loop for the entirety of your stay in any area, with no breaks or variation (B)?
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
It's probably the weakest soundtrack in a Zelda game I've played.
There's no shop music.
- 100% DRM free gaming |
I miss this...my all-time favorite LOZ dungeon theme.
"If the illusion spreads, the evil will live again. But if two dragons soar through the sky, an angel will fall to the earth."
(edited 4 days ago)quote
This is the one thing I wish they had improved for the game. I guess they did it so they had room to make the next game even better, otherwise what do you even do to top this?
http://www.backloggery.com/tero - My backloggery
http://whatliesbeyondnovel.blogspot.ca/ - A psychological fantasy novel series, book 2 finally complete |
Terotrous posted...
This is the one thing I wish they had improved for the game. I guess they did it so they had room to make the next game even better, otherwise what do you even do to top this? more enemies? dungeons? runes?
Retail Wii U and 3DS games: https://sta.sh/02egamz324w0
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It does, imo.
There's a mystery to be uncovered here, that's for sure. And I get the feeling the truth is beyond my wildest imagination.
DuranmanX4 posted...
Terotrous posted...This is the one thing I wish they had improved for the game. I guess they did it so they had room to make the next game even better, otherwise what do you even do to top this? I think he's referring to the soundtrack. Edit: realized that could come off as a smart mouthed comment. I wasn't sure if you were asking what he meant or just making suggestions for other improvements. Cheers.
Name: Cam; 3DS: 1091-8692-6837;
Switch: 3846-6208-5886
(edited 4 days ago)quote
There's a lot of good ones, and quite a bit epic ones.. But yes, they don't compare overall in quantity to past zelda games.
I wish we had that opening track of the plateau more. Anyway, that opening track, veh medoh, vah ruto, hateno village, extended horse riding theme, stable theme, and some of the themes when you get out of shrine are epic(I love the one called "wild") haven't gotten to hyrule castle yet
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
DuranmanX4 posted...
Terotrous posted...This is the one thing I wish they had improved for the game. I guess they did it so they had room to make the next game even better, otherwise what do you even do to top this? Better story, better side quests, swimming/diving, flying, transformations, bigger and more alive villages and towns, deeper combat. BOTW was a good foundation for open world Zelda games, but there's heaps they can improve upon.
- 100% DRM free gaming |
BotW has good music, I just wish there was more of it.
Kass has the best music
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.
It is great. You're just deaf.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDHw7EarfOk&list=PLFwObPlg7Y1pnZVEKHOE6QW66XZacCFxY
If you voted for Trump, someone who supports racism and bigotry, you too support racist and bigotry.
Are we even playing the same game? To me, the music is fantastic.
Alien Isolation is the best horror game on current gen!
Lvaneede posted...
BotW has good music, I just wish there was more of it. There's over 200 tracks... -_-
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
epik_fail1 posted...
...I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing. When you play a game for 100 hours powerful themes would become annoying and distract from the exploring part of the game.
Please understand. I don't want the NX to fail I just assume that it will.
Not one song in btow is bad. Hatena village is great. I see people being mad they cant listen to a repetitive overworld theme being played in their ears 8 hours at a time. Apparently the horse back theme isnt good enough. I love the noise and sounds in the overworld. Im glad they didnt flood it with music you cant escape from.
Dont get me wrong. I love the overworld themes in past zelda. I just dont like to live in it for hours at a time when playing those games. In all zelda games there are plenty of pauses and breaks in between overworld, shops. dungeons, and towns for the music to not get on ones nerves. Except the first zelda. That theme does get on my nerves after roaming for hours and hours. I did turn the music off at one point except when entering a dungeon. Which means they learned not to include a traditional overworld theme because of that most likely.
you want mother in america? don't you know? it doesn't exist.
I have 10 pieces in my playlist, not including the trailer theme. Ocarina of Time has 9 pieces and Wind Waker 3. I think the music in this game was amazing tbh
I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling my feeling my'
I love BotW's music. It's become one of my favorite game soundtracks, actually.
Our glorious theme:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb3N01lm6P8 |
I agree, the whole game just feels like they focused too much on the whole open world thing above all else... dungeons, enemy variety, music, story, etc.
"A train station is where a train stops. A bus station is where a bus stops. On my desk I have a workstation." - William Faulkner
Gamertag in profile |
Larpnugger posted...
I wish it had a deeper story that was a mix of the past AND THE PRESENT. WISH it had world music. I don't buy that excuse that they couldn't because it was open world. Xenoblade x did it and it worked and that said team helped them make this game. The champions deserved more screen time too urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju, miphas past with link and ravalis rivilary with link. I will agree here, I liked the somber piano style but why not use that somber piano style to create pieces like Sylvalum (Day) that are also atmospheric and natural. Like, imagine a somber Piano remix of Hyrule Field OoT for the actual Hyrule Field area.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
LimboStudios posted...
Larpnugger posted...I wish it had a deeper story that was a mix of the past AND THE PRESENT. WISH it had world music. I don't buy that excuse that they couldn't because it was open world. Xenoblade x did it and it worked and that said team helped them make this game. The champions deserved more screen time too urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju, miphas past with link and ravalis rivilary with link. Stop with the remixed. We don't need old music crammed everywhere in the game. Imagine if OoT never released, how would you even relate to or rate music in these games? Do you think all Final Fantasy fans say, why can't every game have the same music from FF7? Please, let a series grow and let a game be a game in its own merit. Base the game off of what is aims to accomplish not what you've liked in the past. It sets out to be atmospheric while letting the archeology tell the story. Too many people are upset about a lack of a traditional story. You know what I say? Good riddance. How many times do we need to hear the same ole story I usually skip through a story in game anyway. I appreciated that you had to find memories aka find the story yourself, it made you more invested in the story. I liked how no fairy told you everything to so, you had to find towns yourself, find weak points yourself, or solve puzzles yourself. No stone to tell you where to go. People fail to praise this game for what it did well, music included. Go listen to OoT soundtrack in repeat right now, just go listen to one theme for 40 minutes and see how you feel.
Please understand. I don't want the NX to fail I just assume that it will.
daniel1232323 posted...
Not one song in btow is bad. Hatena village is great. I see people being mad they cant listen to a repetitive overworld theme being played in their ears 8 hours at a time. Apparently the horse back theme isnt good enough. I love the noise and sounds in the overworld. Im glad they didnt flood it with music you cant escape from. Take a page from GOTF GTA and give the players a juke box to pick which music they want to play in the over world. Nintendo left it empty due to laziness.
PlayStation: Greatness Awaits
Console of the Year 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 |
The music isn't great, and not even close to the quality of music in other Zelda games, but I still liked it. There was something very mellow and relaxing about, not only the music, but just the sounds overall in BotW. This is making me want to play the game again, and I never replay games. lol
Xbox One: AMilli0NliGHTS | PS4/Vita: AMilli0NliGHTS_ | Switch: 4951-1316-4319 | 3DS: 3926-7362-7193 | Steam: AMilli0nliGHTS
BotW music is bland
All Bosses Confirmed So Far (Super Mario Odyssey) ---> https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Cpvm-CsdE3U
I think the short piece that plays when you shoot a guardian in the eye with a guardian arrow is the best piece that I've ever heard in a Zelda game.
It doesn't have a ton of music, but I'm fine with that choice. The music that it has is really good.
The world is better off with some people gone. Our lives are not all interconnected. That theory is a crock. Some people truly do not need to be here.
the soundtrack of botw sounds like someone threw a toy xylophone down the stairs
WWE Champ The Maharaja Jinder Mahal
Bluebomber182 posted...
the soundtrack of botw sounds like someone threw a toy xylophone down the stairs All 240+ tracks?!? Wow!
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
the soundtrack of botw sounds like someone threw a toy xylophone down the stairs lol
There's a mystery to be uncovered here, that's for sure. And I get the feeling the truth is beyond my wildest imagination.
Braev posted...
the soundtrack of botw sounds like someone threw a toy xylophone down the stairs Ignorance is hilarious.
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
epik_fail1 posted...
...I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing. Wouldn't work for this game. As a holder of a Music degree I have to agree with the composer's musical direction for this game. It's not meant to have a bombastic soundtrack like the previous ones. Besides, 98% of Hyrule Field has nothing special going on within it. Do you REALLY want to hear the same theme for hours on end as you're mining for minerals or hunting wildlife? |
its called a joke. get a sense of humor ffs
WWE Champ The Maharaja Jinder Mahal
Hey I laughed.
There's a mystery to be uncovered here, that's for sure. And I get the feeling the truth is beyond my wildest imagination.
@mooocooow02 your response is what we call idiotic. There is a difference between reusing themes left and right and using a specific leitmotif tied to a specific location.
And nobody cares if you skip the story in games, some of us don't like plastic toys with no motivation to do anything. I'm saying I liked BOTW's musical style, I'd like more variation in themes and adding musical motifs to each different area. @Vidgmchtr the problem you bring up is easily fixed by adding a different theme for every sub area.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Larpnugger posted...
urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju Ah... Though unrelated to the topic... Urbosa isn't Riju's mother. Riju is 13 during the game, while Urbosa passed away 100 years prior.
Ryan I FC: 3050-8705-7430 I TSV (X):1513 / TSV (AS):1975
The soundtrack is pretty good, for what it actually has for music, and not just ambient sounds.
ASROCK Z170 Pro4, Gigabyte Windforce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5, Intel Core i7 6700K @4.2Ghz, 16GB DDR4 2400 Trident Z RGB.
Switch FC: 4963-7986-1772 |
MegaMettaur posted...
The soundtrack is pretty good, for what it actually has for music, and not just ambient sounds. So.... the other 240 tracks.
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
LimboStudios posted...
@mooocooow02 your response is what we call idiotic. There is a difference between reusing themes left and right and using a specific leitmotif tied to a specific location. Idiotic? @limostudios Look, Nintendo doesn't need to keep doing that, they need their games to stand on their own. Is it a great touch to play old music here and there yes, but I also enjoy hearing something brand new. When this game did reuse certain themes they did it well by not over doing it (you hear that dun dun dun daaaaah when you get REAL items like the Hyrulian Shield) or if you ride horseback long enough you hear something else. KAss' theme had a remix in there. Hyrule Castle was a throwback to the past. I enjoyed hearing new music though. I remember playing street fighter games and almost every single one Ryu's theme has been remixed or reused, except for like Street Fighter Alpha 3, where his theme is called The Road. I just think this game went in a well deserved different direction, and you didn't need themes of old to hit your ears since this game has you spend so much more time out in a field wandering aimlessly.
Please understand. I don't want the NX to fail I just assume that it will.
mooocooow02 posted...
LimboStudios posted...@mooocooow02 your response is what we call idiotic. There is a difference between reusing themes left and right and using a specific leitmotif tied to a specific location. That's the thing, imagine if they released a Street Fighter game where Ryu's theme wasn't, well, Ryu's theme but some other musical piece. There are themes tied to certain places, and by Hyrule Field I mean the actual "Hyrule Field" area in the game, not the entire overworld, imo every area of the overworld should've had its own theme.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wish Botw had a great soundtrack like the other zelda games....
- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wish Botw had a great soundtrack like the other zelda games....
Voysa_Reezun posted...I think the short piece that plays when you shoot a guardian in the eye with a guardian arrow is the best piece that I've ever heard in a Zelda game.
Fun fact: it is actually a rendition of the classic tune that plays when you figure out a puzzle or secret.
Or at least, thats what it seems based on when i hear it.FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was hereRiku_Lucifen posted...Larpnugger posted...
urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju
Ah... Though unrelated to the topic...
Urbosa isn't Riju's mother. Riju is 13 during the game, while Urbosa passed away 100 years prior.
given several other characters lasted that long, and remember link. urbosa has the gerudo hairloom, was adressed as lady urbosa, similar to lady riju plus her dairy and last words said to link before he boarded naboorisLarpnugger posted...Riku_Lucifen posted...
Larpnugger posted...
urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju
Ah... Though unrelated to the topic...
Urbosa isn't Riju's mother. Riju is 13 during the game, while Urbosa passed away 100 years prior.
given several other characters lasted that long, and remember link. urbosa has the gerudo hairloom, was adressed as lady urbosa, similar to lady riju plus her dairy and last words said to link before he boarded nabooris
Dude, Urbosa is dead, and has been for a hundred years. It's physically impossible for her to be Riju's mother. Great great grandmother, perhaps, but definitely not mother.She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!epik_fail1 posted......I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing.
It jas over 200 songs...SW friend code 5752-4317-1512DarthDestro posted...epik_fail1 posted...
...I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing.
It jas over 200 songs...
It really doesn't feel like it...Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!Braev posted...It does, imo.
and if you go to youtube and check out a botw ost playlist, your appreciation will most likely grow if all you've gotten out of it was through the game itself (I appreciated it in game too but if you want to be bombarded by the great music, check it out at youtube)BOTW is the weakest zelda in the music part. What a shame because the 2017 trailer had amazing music, master kohga battle also has good music. But there is not midna´s lament, dragoon rost, song of healing or gerudo valley. Maybe Champions ballad will have some good tunesJRGV2014 posted...BOTW is the weakest zelda in the music part. What a shame because the 2017 trailer had amazing music, master kohga battle also has good music. But there is not midna´s lament, dragoon rost, song of healing or gerudo valley. Maybe Champions ballad will have some good tunes
Uh..... you do know that the Rito Village is Dragon Roost, right? And I guess you're throwing those songs out as examples of quality, rather than as songs you actually want in the game, because the latter would be idiotic.She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!Dark_SilverX posted...Joke thread?
This alone blows any past Zelda themes away.
mehLosing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!Larpnugger posted...Riku_Lucifen posted...
Larpnugger posted...
urbosa and her relationship to her daughter riju
Ah... Though unrelated to the topic...
Urbosa isn't Riju's mother. Riju is 13 during the game, while Urbosa passed away 100 years prior.
given several other characters lasted that long, and remember link. urbosa has the gerudo hairloom, was adressed as lady urbosa, similar to lady riju plus her dairy and last words said to link before he boarded nabooris
What? The diary entry is rather misleading. It asks for helpbfrom both her mother and Urbosa. Riju is likely a descendant of Urbosa, but is is outright impossible for them to be mother and daughter unless Riju was born before the calamity 100 years ago. She's confirmed 13. It doesn't add up.Ryan I FC: 3050-8705-7430 I TSV (X):1513 / TSV (AS):1975LimboStudios posted...mooocooow02 posted...
LimboStudios posted...
@mooocooow02 your response is what we call idiotic. There is a difference between reusing themes left and right and using a specific leitmotif tied to a specific location.
And nobody cares if you skip the story in games, some of us don't like plastic toys with no motivation to do anything.
I'm saying I liked BOTW's musical style, I'd like more variation in themes and adding musical motifs to each different area.
@Vidgmchtr the problem you bring up is easily fixed by adding a different theme for every sub area.
Idiotic? @limostudios
Look, Nintendo doesn't need to keep doing that, they need their games to stand on their own. Is it a great touch to play old music here and there yes, but I also enjoy hearing something brand new.
When this game did reuse certain themes they did it well by not over doing it (you hear that dun dun dun daaaaah when you get REAL items like the Hyrulian Shield) or if you ride horseback long enough you hear something else. KAss' theme had a remix in there. Hyrule Castle was a throwback to the past.
I enjoyed hearing new music though. I remember playing street fighter games and almost every single one Ryu's theme has been remixed or reused, except for like Street Fighter Alpha 3, where his theme is called The Road.
I just think this game went in a well deserved different direction, and you didn't need themes of old to hit your ears since this game has you spend so much more time out in a field wandering aimlessly.
That's the thing, imagine if they released a Street Fighter game where Ryu's theme wasn't, well, Ryu's theme but some other musical piece.
There are themes tied to certain places, and by Hyrule Field I mean the actual "Hyrule Field" area in the game, not the entire overworld, imo every area of the overworld should've had its own theme.
Capcom did and it was amazing. His theme isn't as synonymous with his character as a fireball is. Most sf2 music isn't great, you have just had it pounded into your head relentlessly in every remix. That is a psychological trick.
Do you remember the song Friday by Rebecca Black, did you love it...what no? Then why are you singing it in your head right now? Because it was pounded into your head just like many other songs
There is an even better look into music here you should watch before simply posting about your feelings. Not that your feelings aren't important but I'm going deeper.
Look I understand you like the theme for Hyrule Field, I do too. We don't need to hear it every single game, we really don't. You know how they used the treasure chest theme waaaay too much in Wind Waker? Like all of that build up for a rupee? That watered down the feeling of opening a chest, pun intended.
I'm glad BOTW stopped using that treasure theme...why? Because the few times they actually use it, like when you pick up the Hylian Shield, it truly feels epic.
Back to my point, if we had Hyrule Field theme Everytime we were in Hyrule Field it would become banal. Hyrule Castle theme worked so well because you really only go there once or maybe twice before you beat the game and then you're done.
Repeatedly being slapped in the face by the Hyrule theme would be super lame. You just don't think of it that way because you've heard it so long for so many times that you feel lost without it.
There have been other great games with other great soundtracks that have existed at the same time as Zelda. It is time for Zelda to move on and create more memorable music rather than rely on the past.Please understand. I don't want the NX to fail I just assume that it will.Replacing a character's trademark theme with some noname shit isn't amazing, and yes the themes are tied to the characters, you're clearly someone who doesn't appreciate videogame music and that's disgraceful. You don't get to decide what music is good or what isn't, oh and then you're comparing Friday to Ryu's fucking Theme, the logic jumps you fanboys will make to justify an underwhelming wasted potential are incredible.
And didn't you fucking listen to me? I said, different themes for every sub area. The Hyrule Field theme would be in the Hyrule Field area, NO, NOT THE ENTIRE OVERWORLD. The small area in front of Hyrule Castle Town clearly labeled "Hyrule Field" in game.
Same as you could have different music for different parts of Death Mountain, the road to Zora's Domain, hell, maybe the area around Rito Village could be a BOTW-esque Great Sea remix, Hebra Mountain Range, Gerudo Desert, Arbiter's Grounds, Yiga Hideout, all of these areas could have a unique ambient-styled musical theme that would make them iconic and memorable beyond their great visuals. It doesn't have to be a bombastic music theme, just a simple ambiance with a recognizable and hummable melody.
You sound like the kind of tool who thinks the Great Sea doesn't have fantastic music that fits perfectly.Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!(edited 1 hour ago)quoteepik_fail1 posted...DarthDestro posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
...I was hoping they would not do a skyrim and fallout and have like almost always the same songs playing.
It jas over 200 songs...
It really doesn't feel like it...
Yeah, I have the game's music downloaded and there's definitely more than 200 tracks. It's just the majority of them you don't hear very often. Some of my favorites are Attack on Vah Ruta and the Hyrule Castle theme. The Dark Beast Ganon is also pretty cool, it's actually one of the trailer themes.Game collection: http://www.backloggery.com/bakonbitz
Gaming channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwVQm69J7bGScbv3_50C0dA- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wish Botw had a great soundtrack like the other zelda games....
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